Welcome to the section that will reveal to you key knowledge about the Japanese language. If you are planning a trip to Japan or learning Japanese, then our Master OYAKATA has prepared for you a short guide with the most important phrases that will help you communicate in everyday situations. In addition, you will learn about pronunciation, writing and Japanese grammar. Our master will also share Japanese proverbs with you to help you better understand the Japanese mentality and culture. Our guide will make it easier for you to communicate in Japan and impress your friends and family with your knowledge of the language. Take advantage of Master OYAKATA‘s tips and start your adventure with the Japanese language!
2136 – according to the Japanese Ministry of Education, this is the minimum number of characters you have to learn to be a fluent reader of Japanese texts. Beginners of Japanese usually start with just 50 symbols, which allow them to note down the first words and phrases they learn. This is kana – the Japanese syllabic script.
Trips to Japan definitely entail culinary explorations. If you want to try the taste of the Country of Cherry Blossoms, in addition to touring historical site and picturesque cities make sure to visit authentic Japanese restaurants. To avoid communication problems, especially in smaller towns or villages, prepare several Japanese expressions that will facilitate your food discoveries.
Even though considered as one of the most difficult languages in the world, Japanese has its enthusiasts all over the globe. Many of them take the initial steps on their own, and then continue learning from experienced teachers.
The Japanese language is among the most difficult languages in the world when it comes to its complexity. Still, how difficult it is to learn the language is a matter of debate. Some advise against learning it, claiming that it is impossible to master due to the workload required, others do not hesitate to encourage new students to give Japanese a go.
Kanji are Japanese logographs imported from Chinese. They constitute a Japanese alphabet of sorts, which consists of characters, each with their own meaning. Learning Japanese is a task that is arduous yet satisfying for everyone able to master this art.
Proverbs play an extremely important role in Japanese culture. Passed down from generation to generation, they refer almost to every aspect of life. Some have their equivalents in Europe while others are unique for the specifically Japanese cultural context and their meaning is only clear to the Japanese.
Before visiting Japan you should learn some Japanese phrases, starting with the basic ones, such as „good day“ (konnichiwa), “thank you very much” (arigato gozaimasu) “goodbye” (shitsurei shimasu – to a person higher in the social hierarchy), “excuse me” (sumimasen) and “Bon appétit” (itadakimasu). Pay attention to what form you use and what time of day it is. The Japanese are serious about certain rules of Japanese culture.